Stick it to the Man- Support Community Radio!
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Stick it to the Man- Support Community Radio!

Tired of hearing the same 10 songs over and over and over again and Clear Channel dictating the music you listen to?

Annoyed with voicetracking and longing for the good old days of live and local radio?

Fed up with local artists being denied a platform on the airwaves?

Appalled by the neverending amount of commericials?

Wishing that radio stations realized people listen to more than 1 genre of music?

You are not alone!  I feel the same way, which is why I am so grateful to be involved with CHIRP and community radio in general.  Community radio provides an important outlet for local and independent artists of all genres to be discovered and a much needed alternative to the increasingly bland commercial radio landscape.  CHIRP has been streaming since January 2010 and has been broadcasting on the 107.1 FM on the north side of Chicago since October 2017.  We are currently staffed by over 250 active volunteers and only 2 paid staff.  All of our DJs are live and local and have significant input on the music they choose to play.  We play music from all genres including blues, jazz, hip hop, electronic, punk, and metal.  We also host 2 record fairs a year (one at Pitchfork and one at Plumber's Hall), a quarterly storytelling event at Martyrs called The First Time, and sponsor various shows throughout the city. 

I have been a CHIRP volunteer for about 2.5 years and it has been nothing short of an amazing experience!  During this time I have discovered an insane amount of great new music, made a ton of new friends, and have attended numerous concerts and festivals around the city to spread the gospel of independent, community radio and plan to continue this for a long time! 

To ensure that CHIRP remains a viable radio station for years to come, we need the support of listeners like you!  Since CHIRP is non-commerical, we rely heavily on listener donations to keep us afloat.  Running a radio station is not cheap, we have many expenses including transmitter maintence, equipment, rent, utilities, etc which is why we are setting a goal to raise $25,000 for the next 2 weeks.  I know this is a lot of money, but even the smallest donations can make a huge difference.  For example, a donation of just $10 can help us buy a new album to add to our library.  For our longtime listeners, I invite you to stick it to the commerical radio man and help support CHIRP with a small donation- $5 or $10 will do.  For those of you who are unfamilar with the station, I invite you to give us a listen at 107.1 FM or and if you like what you hear, consider sticking it to the man and sending a little love our way!

It's punk rock time!


Peace, love, community radio,










Supporting CHIRP is a Sound Investment! 

CHIRP is a truly a listener-supported, volunteer-driven station and it is due to the generosity of fans and supporters like you that we keep bringing local artists, new music, and Chicago happenings to Chicago and beyond. Please make a gift supporting our spring fund drive so we can continue to bring you great music and events!

No commercials. No voice-tracking. No algorithms. Just great music brought to you by true music fans.

If you would like to become a sustaining member by making a recurring donation (monthly or quarterly), or select a thank you gift, please visit CHIRP's main donation page to make your contribution (and don’t forget to enter the name of the CHIRP Volunteer or DJ in the “How did you hear about CHIRP” section so they can receive credit for your gift).

ABOUT 2019 Spring Fundraising Campaign

Supporting CHIRP is a Sound Investment! 

CHIRP is a truly a listener-supported, volunteer-driven station and it is due to the generosity of fans and supporters like you that we keep bringing local artists, new music, and Chicago happenings to Chicago and beyond. Please make a gift supporting our spring fund drive so we can continue to bring you great music and events!

No commercials. No voice-tracking. No algorithms. Just great music brought to you by true music fans.

If you would like to become a sustaining member by making a recurring donation (monthly or quarterly), or select a thank you gift, please visit CHIRP's main donation page to make your contribution (and don’t forget to enter the name of the CHIRP Volunteer or DJ in the “How did you hear about CHIRP” section so they can receive credit for your gift).

Name Date Amount Comments
Joanna Buscemi 03/29/2019 $10.00  
Eric Wiersema 03/29/2019 $40.00 Topping it off!
John Lattuada 03/29/2019 $5.00  
Sabrina Barnett 03/28/2019 $10.00 Rock on
Shirley & Shay Hughes 03/27/2019 $30.00  
Mike Naughton 03/27/2019 $10.00  
Eric Schepard 03/27/2019 $10.00  
Joanna Leafblad 03/26/2019 $10.00  
Paul Siena 03/26/2019 $25.00  
Aaron Smith 03/22/2019 $25.00  
Craig Duff 03/22/2019 $10.00  
Anonymous Friend 03/21/2019 $20.00  
Amy Wiersema 03/21/2019 $20.00  
Anonymous Friend 03/21/2019 $50.00  
Yazmin Leyva 03/20/2019 $20.00 Keep punk rock alive
Terrence Norris 03/19/2019 $40.00  
Sean Conroy 03/19/2019 $10.00  
  Total $345.00